About Us
The lab develops its research within the framework of Cognitive Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology.
We are interested in different topics, such as the cognitive, neural and phenomenological underpinnings of different strain states (e.g., high intensity exercise), interoceptive processing, and the study of mood variability.
We employ different experimental methods to measure behavior (speed and accuracy of responses in different tasks) and brain activity employing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and electroencephalography (EEG).
Daniel Sanabria
Principal Investigator
I am Full Professor at the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Granada, where I teach undergraduate psychology students and graduate students from the Master of Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience and the Master of Research in Physical Activity and Sport. In the lab, we currently investigate cognitive (mainly attention and perception) and brain functioning in strain states such as physical exercise and drowsiness. We are also interested in the subjective experience linked to such states, as when people reach physical exhaustion. In my spare time, I like cycling in the mountains that surround the beautiful city of Granada.
#perception #attention #brain #physical exercise #fatigue #arousal
Pandelis Perakakis
Principal Investigator
I am a PhD Professor in the Department of Social, Work and Differential Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid. My research focuses on human psychophysiology and affective variability, with a special interest in fractal analysis of long time series. I apply analytical tools and methods derived from statistical physics to obtain information on the importance of fractal variability for physiological adaptation and psychological well-being. One of my most fundamental goals in science is to create, develop and implement alternative ways of publishing, evaluating and communicating academic research.
#affectivevariability #openscience #fractals #respiration #CoVidAffect #psychophysiology
Luis F. Ciria
Postdoc researcher
My current research interests cover the area of Health Neuroscience, focusing on the relation between health-oriented behaviors and the modulation of neural dynamics underlying aspects of higher-order cognitive function. Within this general framework, I’m interested in cognitive processes that take place in the absence of awareness, which demand few cognitive resources or are difficult to control, once initiated. My first scientific aim: to enjoy researching in a stimulating and supportive research environment. The second one: to understand how the brain works under strain states such as physical exertion or sleep.
#cognition #brain #physical exertion #sleep #consciousness #arousal
Chiara Avancini
Postdoc researcher
I am interested in uncovering the neurodynamics of consciousness when humans are in a physical state of high arousal. Specifically, my current project studies how networks supervising cognitive control reconfigure when the body is brought to a strain state through physical exercise. I am aiming to use my technical and theoretical knowledge built through my past work to investigate the link between consciousness and physical arousal. Outside of research I enjoy sports, books, and movies so bad that they are good.
#cognitivecontrol #consciousness #brain #physicalexertion #sport
Darias Holgado
Postdoc researcher
My main interest is to understand the cognitive and neural bases of exercise to bridge the (big) gap between Sport Science, Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience. Moreover, I am specially interested in meta-reach in Sports science and the fight against doping from an applied point of view. Currently I’m working as a postdoc at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland (till end 2022) and the University of Granada in Spain.
#mentalfatigue #metascience #tdcs #systematicreviews #meta-analysis
Adrián Yoris
Postdoc researcher
My research interests are human psychophysiology and affective neurosciences, with a special interest in interoception dimensions. I apply data-driven statistics (GLM and machine learning) in the study of transdiagnostic mechanisms in anxiety and depression from a multilevel perspective from behaviour to brain activity. I specialized in the study of heart-evoked potential (HEP) as a measure of interoceptive processing. I am also a licenced psychologist and my biggest goal in science is to contribute to developing experimental procedures to test clinical questions.
#affectiveneuroscience #CMD #HEP #interoception #machinelearning
Clara Alameda
PhD student
I am a PhD student in Cognitive Neuroscience. The area of research that most catches my attention is that concerning modulations of the level of consciousness on behavior and brain activity. Specifically, I am interested in how variations in arousal, such as the wake-sleep transition, can lead to “altered” states of consciousness, and the implications these states have on cognitive processing in general, and multisensory integration in particular.
#consciousness #arousal #multisensory #neuroscience
Carmen Goicoechea
PhD student
I am a PhD student in the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Granada. My thesis deals with the fluctuations of the affective system. I have worked as a research assistant in two funded multidisciplinary projects, and as a predoctoral fellow in the Translational Clinical Psychology working group in Marburg (Germany).
#Affect dynamics #Well-being #Psychological flexibility
Juan José Pérez
PhD student
I am a PhD student in Sport sciences at the University of Granada. All my life I have been fascinated by everything related to the performance and training of cyclists. Now I have the opportunity to apply my theoretical and practical knowledge to the world of research and training.
#physicalexertion #physicalperformance #brain #cognition #phenomenology
These are our current and main lines of research.
The interplay between brain function, cognition and phenomenological experience under strain states
We measured the oscillatory brain activity and cognition during strain states such as high intensity exercise and drowsiness. We are also interested on the purported effects of physical exercise on brain and cognitive functioning and on the role of top-down attention (and neural correlates) on self-paced exercise by means of non-invasive brain stimulation (tDCS), drugs (e.g., Tramadol) and cognitive load manipulations.
Physiological determinants of the heartbeat evoked potential (HEP)
We investigate the physiological parameters involved in the origin and modulation of the Heartbeat-Evoked Potential (HEP), as an objective and direct index of interoception, which refers to the neural processing of internal body signals relayed to the brain via visceral afferents.
Intelligent monitoring and analysis of mood variability
We use mobile and wearable technology to investigate subjective mood fluctuations in their natural context.
Current Funded Projects
Cognitive and neural dynamics of transitions during physical exercise.
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
PI: Daniel Sanabria
An Intelligent Framework to Scrutinise the Social, Behavioural and Emotional Impact of COVID-19 (POSTCOVID-AI)
Social Research Call 2020 of “La Caixa” Foundation
PI: Oresti Baños
Previous projects
Monitoring and Intelligent analysis of the physical, social and emotional behavior of the Spanish population for the characterization and control of COVID-19 (MONITOR-COVID)
Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades de la Junta de Andalucía
PI: Oresti Baños
Clinical trial on the effects of tramadol and paracetamol on physical, cognitive and brain performance during cycling
World Antidoping Agency
PI: Daniel Sanabria
Putting the brain to work: Self-paced acute aerobic exercise and executive control
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
PI: Daniel Sanabria
Tramadol and sport: Effects on physical and sustained attention performance during cycling exercise
World Antidoping Agency
PI: Daniel Sanabria
Atención sostenida, ejercicio físcio y forma física: conocimiento desde el EEG y EKG
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
PI: Daniel Sanabria
Atendiendo y reconociendo tus manos: Una investigación comportamental, electrofisiológica y con neuroimagen
Proyecto PSI2010-19655
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
PI: Daniel Sanabria
Atendiendo y reconociendo tus manos: Una investigación comportamental, electrofisiológica y con neuroimagen
Proyecto PSI2010-19655
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
PI: Daniel Sanabria
El papel de los mecanismos atencionales en la percepción multisensorial
Proyecto SEJ2007-63645:(MEC; 10-2007/10-2010)
PI: Daniel Sanabria
Proyecto Social Research Call 2020 of "La Caixa" Foundation: An Intelligent Framework to Scrutinise the Social, Behavioural and Emotional Impact of COVID-19
(POSTCOVID-AI), SR20-00668(01/02/2021 – 31/01/2023)
PI: Baños, Oresti.
Proyecto Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades de la Junta de Andalucía: Monitoring and Intelligent analysis of the physical, social and emotional behavior of the Spanish population for the characterization and control of COVID-19
(MONITOR-COVID). CV20-29556 (14/11/2020 – 13/11/2021)
PI: Baños, Oresti
Fundamentos neurocognitivos de la influencia de los ritmos circadianos sobre la atención y la toma de decisiones
Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía (SEJ-30-54) (2014-2018)
PI: Ángel Correa
Fundamentos neurocognitivos de la influencia de los ritmos circadianos sobre la atención y la toma de decisiones
Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía (SEJ-30-54) (2014-2018)
PI: Ángel Correa
Proyecto Consolider-Ingenio: Cognición y Educación
CSD2008-00048 del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (2010-2014)
PI: Manuel Carreiras.
Proyecto Hum-5422:Control cognitivo y emocional: Análisis de sus relaciones y medición
Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía.
PI: Alberto Acosta
Proyecto SEJ-03299: Convivencia y resolución de conflictos en el ámbito escolar: Control y autoregulación emocional desde la neurociencia cognitiva
Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía.
PI: Pío Tudela.
Main Publications
Zandonai, T., Holgado, D., Ciria, L., Zabala, M., Hopker, J., Bekinschtein, T., & Sanabria, D.
Bailón, C., Goicoechea, C., Baños, O., Damas, M., Pomares, H, Correa, Á, Sanabria, D., & Perakakis, P.
Open Science
A research group strongly committed to slow science.
We aim for quality, collaboration and open conversation, rather than quantity and quick but questionable results. We publish our data and code and make all manuscripts available as preprints.
In addition to keeping our own house in order, we also look outwards and try to play a role in the broader picture of how science is communicated and evaluated globally.
We collaborate with the international organisation Open Scholar to promote an alternative model of scholarly publishing that leverages the existing public infrastructure of institutional repositories.
In 2022, we coordinate the replacement of the commercial publisher of Psicológica, the journal of the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology (SEPEX), with the institutional repository of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
Following this transition, all preprint and final manuscripts and, most importantly, all peer reviews are published in the repository at no cost to authors or readers.
Are you an Open Scholar?
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Databases and codes
Exercise-Cognition RCTs
A call to rethink the cognitive benefits of physical exercise: an umbrella review of randomized controlled trials.
Oscillatory brain activity during acute exercise: tonic and transient neural response to an Oddball task.
Physical exercise increases overall brain oscillatory activity but does not influence inhibitory control in young adults.
Cycling tDCS
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the left prefrontal cortex does not affect time-trial self-paced cycling performance: Evidence from oscillatory brain activity and power output.
Cycling tDCS Review
The effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on objective and subjective indexes of exercise performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
MentalFatigue Replication
MetanFatigue Review
Mental Fatigue MightBe Not So Bad for Exercise Performance After All: A Systematic Review and Bias-Sensitive Meta-Analysis and Conceptual replication of "Mental fatigue impairs physical performance in humans".
MentalFatigue Exp
Tramadol effects on physical performance and sustained attention during a 20-min indoor cycling time-trial: A randomized controlled trial. Raw data: https://osf.io/xbvt5
4 Faraday Testing Rooms
2 Physiological determinants of the heartbeat evoked potential (HEP)
Cardiopulmonary Exercice Testing
Cycloergometer SRM
Psychophysiological Data Acquisition System
Main Colaborators
- Mikel Zabala – Full professor at University of Granada (Spain).
- Tristán Bekinschtein – Full professor at University of Cambridge (UK).
- Plamen Ivanov – Full professor at Boston University (USA).
- Danielle Marinazzo – Full professor at University of Ghent (Belgium).
- Miguel Vadillo – Assistant professor at Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain).
- Andrés Canales Johnson – Postdoc researcher at University of Cambridge (UK).
- Antonio Luque – Casado – Assistant professor at Rey Juan Carlos I University, (Spain).
- Pedro Bernaola – Full professor at University of Málaga (Spain).
- David Luque – Assistant professor at University of Málaga (Spain).
- Jose Cesar Perales – Full professor at University of Granada (Spain).
- Mariagrazia Capizzi – Next step: “María Zambrano” postdoc researcher at University of Granada.
- Antonio Luque – Next step: Lecturer at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I.
- Francesc Llorens – Next step: Lecturer at the Valencia International University.
- Francisco González Fernández – Next step: Lecturer at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, CESAG, Palma de Mallorca.
- Diana Cutanda– Next step: Lecturer at the Valencia International University.
- Antonio Barba – Next step: Psychologist at Grupo NeuroHábilis.
- Beatriz Rodriguez Morilllas – Next step: Researcher at Kronohealth SL and Cronolab.
- Beatriz Rodríguez Sarmiento – Next step: Lecturer at the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja.
- Enrique Molina – Next step: Lecturer at the Universidad de Murcia.
- Tania Lara – Next step: Lecturer at the Universidad Isabel I.
- Clara Aranda – Next step: Clinical Psychologist.
- Thomas Zandonai -Next step: Institute of Health and Biomedical Research of Alicante.